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Besteht ein signifikanter Zusammenhang zwischen dem Vorliegen einer Angle Klasse II Verzahnung und dem Vorliegen einer Skoliose?
(Is there a significant Correlation between a Angle Class II Dentation and the existence of a Scoliosis? A Correlation Study)

Journal: Unpublished MSc thesis Wiener Schule für Osteopathie, Date: 2010/12, Pages: 81, type of study: clinical trial

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angle class II [1]
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Study Design correlation study with 35 test persons in a ad hoc design Outline/Problem Definition in 90% of the cases there is no reason for the presens of a scoliosis, it is ,so called, idiopathic. about 17 % of the children in the industrial nations are suffering from scoliosis. in the literature one can find some thousends of articles and studies looking for interaction between the spine and the posture of the hole body. in many cases the investigators support us with informations about a closed relationship between the dentation and the posture of the spine. because of very low evidence in these studies it seems to be unclear what level of evidence we are talking about. very often the cross bite is shown as a possible interceptor in the correct development thru the growing period. the aim of the study is to look on a special kind of cross bite: the angle -class II and the effect on the posture. Research Question & Objective if a correlation can be found between the dentation and the posture we will be able to create kinds of treatment including all necessary disciplins, like osteopaths, orthopedists and orthodentists to do the best we can to stop the progression of the scoliosis Hypothesis there is a correlation between the presens of a angle-class II dentation and the presens of a scoliosis. hypothesis zero: there is no correlation between the presens of a angle-class II dentation and the presens of a scoliosis Methodology because of the fact that the study is looking after a correlation with no treatment, i can use a ad hoc design. the test persons where rekruted by orthopedists and orthodentists. inclusion criteria: a) to be included in the study, the test persons have to show a angle-class II dentation b) the test persons must be between 7 and 10 years of age c) the parents have to agree to the participation excluding criterias a) non idiopathic scoliosis b) deseas from the rheumatic sphere Results 35 test persons with a angle-class II dentation where investigated by orthopedists. 5 test persons showed a angle-class II on both sides and now scoliosis. 30 test persons showed a angle-class II at one side. 15 to the left and 15 to the right side. they all showed a scoliosis with different angles. the scoliosis was found on the contralateral side in all cases. so far the hypothesis is clearly verified in this group of test persons Critical Reflection/Perspectives/Conclusions the main problem of studies in the area of a master-thesis is the low range of test persons. in this study we can find a hundred percent correlation and because of this the angle class II dentation has to be observed in a greater study with much more test persons and a follow up time of years.

Abstract original language:
Es war Ziel der Arbeit der Frage nachzugehen, inwieweit eine Korrelation zwischen einer Angle Klasse II Verzahnung und dem Vorliegen einer Skoliose besteht. Hierzu wurden fünfunddreißig Probanden, bei denen eine Angle Klasse II diagnostiziert war, auf das Vorliegen einer Skoliose untersucht. Die Sicherung der Diagnose erfolgte per digitaler Cobb-­Winkel Vermessung am Röntgenbild, während die Angle Klasse II per Blickdiagnose bestimmt wurde. Innerhalb der Probandengruppe fanden sich fünf beidseitige Angle Klasse II Verzahnungen und dreißig einseitige. Die fünf Probanden mit der beidseitigen Angle Klasse II wiesen keine Skoliose auf, während die dreißig Probanden mit der einseitigen Angle Klasse II alle eine Skoliose aufwiesen. Die Skoliosen fanden sich jeweils auf der kontralateralen Seite, mit unterschiedlicher Ausprägung. Auffällig warein Rückgang der Skoliose im Verhältnis zum Lebensalter. Dieser Umstand stellte sich auch in der statistischen Auswertung als Hochsignifikant heraus. Im Ergebnis wird die Hypothese bestätigt und es liegt nahe, ähnliche Untersuchungen bei größeren Probandengruppen zu wiederholen. Daneben empfiehlt sich ein mehrjähriger Beobachtungszeitraum, um die individuelle Entwicklung beobachten zu können.

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