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Global Listening - Ein Test mit vielen Facetten
(Global Listening - a test with many facets)

Journal: Unpublished MSc thesis Wiener Schule für Osteopathie, Date: 2011/05, Pages: 227, type of study: qualitative study

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Study Design An osteopathic treatment starts with an osteopathic evaluation of the patient during which various tests are carried out to establish a diagnosis. The „Global Listening Test“ is one of the central evaluation tools among the group of diagnostic listening tests „ the study of its complexity is the subject of this paper. A great number of descriptions of the diagnostic aim, the practical execution and the interpretation of the „Global Listening“ can be found in the literature Outline/Problem Definition An osteopathic treatment starts with an osteopathic evaluation of the patient during which various tests are carried out to establish a diagnosis. The „Global Listening Test“ is one of the central evaluation tools among the group of diagnostic listening tests „ the study of its complexity is the subject of this paper. A great number of descriptions of the diagnostic aim, the practical execution and the interpretation of the „Global Listening“ can be found in the literature. The fact that these descriptions sometimes differ considerably was the main motivation of the research question in this paper: Research Question & Objective From an osteopathic point of view, what does the aim, execution and interpretation of the „Global Listening“ in the course of the patient evaluation look like“ Methodology The research question was studied following a theory-generating qualitative method involving problem-centered interviews (PCI) based on interview guidelines, which produced empirical data on the subject. For this purpose twelve osteopaths based in Vienna and Lower Austria were interviewed Results The analysis of the interviews“ content showed that the „Global Listening Test“ is carried out in many different ways. In everyday osteopathic practice variations can be observed in the hand position of the practitioner and in the initial positions of both the patient and the practitioner. Primarily, the „Global Listening“ is used to support the formulation of an osteopathic diagnosis and to perceive fascial tensions. In addition, it is also used as decision-making aid with regard to the choice of therapeutic approach, as a means to evaluate food intolerances, to assess the current physical and emotional state of the patient, to evaluate the patient“s midline and as method to re-test initial findings. Those are all objectives of the „Global Listening“ which „ so far „ have not been mentioned in the literature. New information could also be gathered regarding the interpretation of the „Global Listening“ since it is not only used to appreciate dysfunctions in the parietal, visceral, cranio-sacral and psycho-emotional fields but also „dysfunctions in the fluid systems“ Critical Reflection/Perspectives/Conclusions: Summarizing it can be said that there is a great variety of interpretation possibilities regarding one and the same dysfunctional area, which in part are contradictory and not rarely based on the classification of perceptions according to individual reference systems. Regarding the objectivity of tests, in particular the interpretation objectivity, it would be desirable to determine certain basic perceptions/perceptional qualities and their interpretation and to convey this system already in the basic osteopathic training (cf. Conradi et al. 2003, Degenhardt et al. 2005, Podlesnic 2006, Schelten 1997, Strebel et al. 2003). Further, in view of the reliability of the test certain aspects of the „Global Listening“ should be more precisely defined such as the aims in the context of the examination process, the execution, in particular the position of the patient, the hand contact of the practitioner, the duration and the moment in the examination process when the test is carried out. It seems to make sense to strive for a partial standardization of the „Global Listening“ and to convey this already in the basic osteopathic training. Since it takes years of experience to be able to perceive and to interpret the most subtle information of the body, it would be desirable to integrate the „Global Listening“ in the training right from the start. The statements of the interviewees showed that in general there is not enough time in the courses attributed to the „Global Listening Test“ and that very different interpretation possibilities are taught. Two interview partners referred directly to the teachers at the Vienna School of Osteopathy (Wiener Schule für Osteopathie) who should be encouraged to discuss the topic „Global Listening“ among themselves and thus to enable a coordinated approach regarding the „Global Listening“ in the courses. This request should be taken into consideration, in particular considering the importance of the „Global Listening“ in the context of an osteopathic examination

Abstract original language:
Am Beginn jeder osteopathischen Behandlung steht die osteopathische Befundaufnahme, in deren Rahmen vielfältige Testverfahren zur diagnostischen Abklärung durchgeführt werden. Der „Global Listening Test“ stellt dabei ein zentrales Befundungsinstrument aus der Gruppe der diagnostischen Listeningtests dar, dessen Komplexität in vorliegender Arbeit untersucht wird. In der Literatur finden sich mannigfaltige aber zugleich differierende Angaben im Hinblick auf die diagnostische Zielsetzung, die praktische Durchführung und der Interpretation des Global Listenings und waren somit Motor für die forschungsleitende Fragestellung: Wie gestaltet sich Zielsetzung, Durchführung und Interpretation für das „Global Listening“ aus Sicht der Osteopathie innerhalb der osteopathischen Befundaufnahme? Zur Aufarbeitung der forschungsleitenden Fragestellung wurde ein theoriegenerierendes qualitatives Verfahren gewählt. Innerhalb dessen kam das problemzentrierte leitfaden­gestützte Interview (PZI) zur empirischen Aufarbeitung der Fragestellung zum Einsatz. Es wurden zwölf Osteopathen aus Wien und Niederösterreich dazu befragt. Die inhaltsanalytische Auswertung ergab, dass der Global Listening Test sehr facettenreich durchgeführt wird. Variationen in der Handhaltung des Therapeuten als auch in den Ausgangsstellungen des Patienten bzw. des Therapeuten dominieren den osteopathischen Praxisalltag. Primär wird das „Global Listening“ zur Formulie­rung einer osteopathischen Diagnose und zur Wahrnehmung faszialer Spannungen eingesetzt. Es wird aber auch als Entscheidungshilfe für das therapeutische Vorgehen, zur Beurteilung von Nahrungsmittelunverträglichkeiten, der Befindlichkeit des Patienten, zur Beurteilung der Midline sowie zur Evaluation herangezogen, Ziel­setzungen, welche bislang keine Erwähnung in der Literatur fanden. Neue Erkennt­nisse ergaben sich auch in Bezug auf die Interpretation des „Global Listenings“, da neben Dysfunktionen den parietalen, viszeralen, kraniosakralen und psychoemotio­nalen Bereich auch „Dysfunktionen in Flüssigkeitssystemen“ gedeutet werden sollen.

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