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Reconsidering the patient-centeredness of osteopathy

Journal: International Journal of Osteopathic Medicine Date: 2013/03, 16(1):Pages: 25-32. doi: Subito , type of study: article

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patient-centeredness [1]
patient-centred care [2]
clinical reasoning [58]
osteopathic manipulative treatment [3007]
OMT [2985]
evidence-based practise [2]
article [2129]


The widespread use of the biopsychosocial model amongst various health professions, all of which claim to take a patient-centred approach to their practise, challenges what has been considered a unique and defining feature of osteopathy. This paper discusses the complexity of what is meant by patient-centeredness, and how it is practised and researched by other health professions. The assumption that osteopathy has always taken a patient-centred approach is questioned, and directions for further research are highlighted so that the profession can have a comprehensive working knowledge of its practise, thereby helping to define itself within the broad and competitive healthcare environment.

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