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A consideration of the elbow as a tensegrity structure

Journal: International Journal of Osteopathic Medicine Date: 2012/06, 15(2):Pages: 53-65. doi: Subito , type of study: article

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biomechanics [56]
biotensegrity [2]
elbow [26]
fascia [261]
joint [182]
ligament [55]
repetitive strain injury [1]
tennis elbow [16]
tensegrity [29]
article [2129]


The elbow is conventionally described as a uniaxial hinge joint and the pivot of proximal forearm rotation; the joint surfaces guide motion, the ligaments maintain joint integrity and the muscles cause motion. However, this simplicity is less clear on detailed examination and masks uncertainties over its component structures and their functions. Elbow anatomy is examined from a tensegrity perspective with a re-assessment of these functions. Tensegrity structures, like the elbow, are inherently stable and maintain a balanced equilibrium during changes in shape because of ‘continuous tension’. Connective tissues mechanically integrate local and distantly related components into a single functional unit while proprioceptive sensors neurally influence motor activity; both control joint dynamics. It is suggested that this has relevance to understanding the commonly encountered but vague pathologies such as ‘tennis elbow’ and ‘repetitive strain injury’; the aetiologies of these conditions continue to be the subject of debate.

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