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Das Craniomandibuläre System und seine Effekte auf die Körperhaltung - Teil 2
(The craniomandibular system and its effect on the posture - Part II)

Journal: Osteopathische Medizin Date: 2007/08, 8(3):Pages: 16-21, type of study: article

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article [2128]
biomechanics [59]
craniomanibular system [1]
CMS [1]
dysfunctions [21]
hyoid [6]
mandibular [98]
posture [77]
temporal [15]
temporomandibular joint [47]
TMJ [4]


The multifunctional temporomandibular joint (TMJ) shows very specific anatomical neurophysiological and biomechanical structures. Knowledge about embryological details helps to comprehend the connection to otological and vertigo problems. Knowledge about anatomy and neurophysiology of the TMJ associated bones, ligaments and muscles lead to an exact and detailed diagnosis and therapy. Many disorders and diseases are related to structure and function of the temporal, mandibula and hyoid. The anatomical and biomechanical procedures in TMJ as an important part of the orofacial system are very complex and often have direct correlations to posture.

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