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Zusammenhanh zwischen Kraniosakralen Techniken und Emotionaler Befindlichkeit
(Relationship between craniosacral techniques and emotional states)

Journal: Osteopathische Medizin Date: 2007/08, 8(3):Pages: 4-8, type of study: pretest posttest design

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cranio-sacral osteopathy [160]
emotion [34]
neuroscience [2]
pretest posttest design [108]


Objective of this treatise is to study a relationship between craniosacral techniques and emotional states. This relationship should be produced by craniosacral techniques having an effect upon the muscles of facial expression. When a group of techniques effect a relevant emotional pattern, so the main hypothesis, then the corresponding emotional state will, subsequently, also be especially strongly changed by it. The second hypothesis states that the positive emotional state of 'joy' will get stronger and that the negative emotional states of 'sadness', 'fear' and 'anger' weaker. Emotions were measured before and after the intervention on a 5-stepped scale. The intervention was carried out on n = 22 test persons by two different treaters in the intervention group and a third one in the control-group. Both hypotheses were confirmed here. The results are significant for the treatment group (p = ,041, resp. ,023) but not for the control group (p = ,220, resp. ,866).

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