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Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine as an Adjuvant Treatment for Hemicrania Continua: A Case Study

Journal: The AAO Journal Date: 2023/06, 33(2):Pages: 29-30. doi: Subito , type of study: case report

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case report [515]
female [387]
headache [127]
hemicrania continua [1]
OMT [2985]
osteopathic manipulative treatment [3007]
women [341]


Introduction/Background: Hemicrania continuum (HC) is a continuous, unilateral, and highly debilitating headache responding exclusively to Indomethacin. Dose-dependent adverse effects of Indomethacin are common and increase the burden of disease. Our case study explores the use of osteopathic manipulative medicine (OMM) to improve HC symptoms and reduce pharmacologic dependence. Case: A 35-year-old Canadian woman presents with a nine-year history of HC. She reports a history of a broadside motor vehicle accident at age 16 initiating migraine-like headaches, then progressing to constant, unilateral headaches after a near-drowning incident at age 26. Indomethacin was trialed and provided relief, confirming diagnosis of HC. The patient received a total of 12 OMM treatments over 3 months. Her most significant key lesions included: right parietal bone internally rotated, left occipitomastoid suture restriction, bilateral temporal and parietal lobe restrictions, bilateral 12th ribs exhalation dysfunction, left epigastric trauma point, left on right posterior torsion, and left ovarian restriction. The patient experienced multiple, significant emotional releases during this process. Results: The patient began to show marked improvement after the third treatment, including improved pain, less fatigue, elimination of pain triggers, and improved quality of life. Furthermore, she was able to decrease her Indomethacin intake. By the end of the last treatment, she claimed that this was the best she had felt in the last 10 years of her life and rediscovered a “will to live”. Discussion: The patient’s HC improved significantly with OMM, reducing burden of disease, need for pharmacologic assistance and potential for adverse effects. Most importantly, in the final treatment, the patient confessed to having considered physician-assisted suicide, given her many years of minimal quality of life. OMM helped give this patient’s life back to her.

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