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Using the Strain-Counterstrain Approach to Highlight the Body Unity Within Osteopathic Treatment

Journal: The AAO Journal Date: 2014/11, 24(3):Pages: 23-34, type of study: clinical trial

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strain and counterstrain [24]
body unit [1]
tender points [9]
osteopathic manipulative treatment [3007]
OMT [2985]
clinical trial [612]


Context: Body unity is one of the fundamental principles in osteopathy training and practice. Is it just a dogma or a reality? Methods: Data were collected for one year during patient consultations based on a test protocol. For each patient, complaints, strain-counterstrain tender points before and after adjustment, and other variables have been registered. A statistical analysis of the data was conducted to highlight conditional correlations between tender point complaints and adjustment by anatomic zones. Results: Tender points and adjustment analysis did not show a direct correlation between complaints and adjustment locations. At the beginning of each consultation, an average of 23 tender points appeared. Whatever the complaints, tender points were distributed on average as follows: 4-5 for cervical; 4 for the pelvis; 3 for the skull; and 2 each for lumbar, thoracic, and shoulder; 1 for the foot, knee and ribs; and less than 1 for the hand, hip and elbow. On average, 5 adjustments were made, corresponding to 20% of the initial tender points. After the first adjustment, the average number of tender points decreased to 8 for all the body zones concerned. Conclusions: The tender points’ evolution confirms the unity of the body and thus the need for global treatments. This study highlighted the existence of compensations and shows that pain is not a direct result of the zone in which somatic dysfunction occurs.

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