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¿La Manipulación Osteopática Mejora la Función Mecánica y Física y la Simetría Espinal en Golfistas?
(Does Osteopathic Manipulation Lead to Improvements in Physical and Muscle Mechanical Function and Spinal Symmetries in Golfers?)

Journal: Kronos Date: 2019/06, 18(1):, type of study: clinical trial

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osteopathic manipulative treatment [3113]
OMT [3091]
spinal asymmetry [1]
spinal mobility [1]
lateral symmetry [1]
isometric strength [2]
golf [9]
clinical trial [627]


The purpose of this study is to analyze the effectiveness of osteopathic manipulation on the improvement of mechanical and physical function variables and spinal asymmetry reduction in golfers. 10 male golfers (age 32.9 ± 13.2 years, weight 80.8 ± 19.4 kg, height 1.8 ± 0.1 m) were measured in spinal mobility, dorsal-lumbar skin temperature, trapezius-erector spinae time of contraction, isometric strength and lateral symmetry pre-post a 30min osteopathic manipulation (OM). A large-small effect in physical and muscle mechanical variables was recorded as follow: spinal mobility d= 1.67 y 0.53, increase in Δ%= 13 y 23%), dorsal-lumbar skin temperature (d= 0.24 y 0.36, increase in Δ%= 1.2 Y 1.8%), trapezius-erector spinae time of contraction (d= 0.4 y 0.33, increase in Δ%= 2.59 y 5%), isometric strength (d= 0.33 y 0.24, increase in Δ%= 11-14%). This alternative therapy was effective to improve contralateral symmetry (d= 0.02 to 0.55, increase in Δ%= 0.1-13.3%) in the variables previously listed. 30min osteopathic manipulation session had a small effectiveness on the improvement of physical and mechanical muscle functions used in golf in some cases a decrease in physical function was found. The effectiveness of this intervention have to be confirmed in future analyses.

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