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Bedside cardiology skills training for the osteopathic internist using simulation technology

Journal: The Journal of the American Osteopathic Association Date: 2003/12, 103(12):Pages: 603-607. doi: Subito , type of study: pretest posttest design

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cardiology [6]
computer simulation [2]
internship and residency [150]
manikins [1]
multimedia [3]
osteopathic medicine [1540]
pretest posttest design [108]


Medical practice changes that limit patient availability, instructor time, and advances in technology have led to a greater use of simulators and multimedia computers in medical education. These systems address the problem of inadequate bedside skills training and poor proficiency among all health care providers. While studies have shown their effectiveness among medical students, residents, and practicing physicians, none has focused on the osteopathic internist population--one that is becoming more responsible for conducting initial and follow-up physical examinations. This report describes the use of “Harvey,“ the cardiology patient simulator, and the UMedic Multimedia Computer System at a workshop conducted at the American College of Osteopathic Internists' 61st Annual Convention and Scientific Sessions. Participants in this study significantly improved their ability to identify common cardiac auscultatory events, as indicated by pretest-to-posttest scores. Workshop participants were nearly unanimous in their belief that they would like to use these tools for learning and assessment.

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