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Acute giardiasis and Chapman reflexes: Musculoskeletal symptoms preceding, during and after infection

Journal: Osteopathic Family Physician Date: 2022/01, 14(1):Pages: 19-22. doi: Subito , type of study: article

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acute infection [1]
gastrointestinal disorders [10]
giardiasis [1]
diarrhea [5]
osteopathic manipulative treatment [3113]
OMT [3091]
antiparasitic agent [1]
article [2128]


Giardiasis is an acute infection caused by Giardia lamblia, which produces profuse secretory diarrhea that can lead to dehydration and electrolyte derangement. Musculoskeletal manifestations resulting because of giardiasis occur due to prolonged inflammation and viscero-somatic reflexes of the pathophysiology for this disease process. By treating the parasitic infection with an antiparasitic agent, as well as treating the somatic dysfunctions with osteopathic manipulative treatment, analgesics and a home exercise program, the patient in the following article experienced an uneventful course of treatment and a complete recovery including resolution of the pain.

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