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Geschichte, Modell und Wirksamkeit der MuskelEnergieTechnik: Teil 3: Wirksamkeit der MET - Eine systematische übersichtsarbeit
(History, model and effectiveness of MuscleEnergyTechnique. Part 3: The effectiveness of MET - A systematic review)

Journal: Osteopathische Medizin Date: 2005/10, 6(4):Pages: 4-13, type of study: systematic review

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MET [450]
effectiveness [27]
muscle energy technique [160]
OMT [2985]
osteopathic manipulative treatment [3007]
systematic review [298]


Objective: Presentation and discussion of results of clinical studies concerning the effectiveness of MET. Design: Systematic review. Research: Research in the medical data banks MEDLINE, EMBASE, COCHRANE, in the osteopathic data banks OSTMED, OSTEOPATHIC RESEARCH WEB, in German and English magazines as well as in literature concerning MET. Synthese: Compilation and specification of the clinical and methodological parameters in all the studies. Description of the internal and external validity in the published studies. Results: MET has been tested as to its effectiveness more and more in the last years. The clinical studies prove - with one exception - the effectiveness of the isometric form of MET concerning the changing of reduced mobility. In 6 studies of different designs it is confirmed that there has been a therapeutic effectiveness of the isometric variant of MET on patients in pain and whose mobility had been reduced. There is evidence for lasting effectiveness of therapeutic treatment with isometric MET in 3 studies planned and made in a period of four weeks. Conclusion: For more detailed data regarding the therapeutic effectiveness of MET more studies are required, which should be concepted for a longer period of observation, where patients with defined symptoms should be treated several times.

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