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Reexpansion Pulmonary Edema

Journal: The Journal of the American Osteopathic Association Date: 2020/01, 120(1):Pages: 49. doi: Subito , type of study: case report

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pneumothorax [2]
chest pain [13]
pulmonary edema [2]
case report [516]


A 34-year-old woman with no significant medical history presented to the emergency department with an outpatient anteroposterior chest radiograph demonstrating a large right-sided pneumothorax. She had chest pain and shortness of breath for 9 days after power washing her deck. Reexpansion of the lung failed with thoracostomy and placement of a 10.2 F tube (image A), but was successful after placement of a 28 F tube. Subsequently, the patient became hypoxic, requiring supplemental oxygen via nonrebreather mask. Repeated chest x-ray imaging revealed increased alveolar opacification of the right lung consistent with pulmonary edema (image B). The patient was admitted to the intensive care unit and remained stable with 30 L/minute high-flow nasal cannula for 2 days before the chest tube was removed.

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